Friday, January 13, 2012


"Dear Lord, please interrupt me today.
Change My To Do List to conform to Your To Do List.
Make my mind open to interruptions during the day
and help me to recognize when you are interrupting me.
Your plans are better than any plans that I could make for my day.
I pray that my mind will be open to all of your interruptions
and that I will see these interruptions as opportunities to do your will.

Does this mean . . .
  • when I’m reading my emails and one of my kids wants to talk?  Is this God interrupting me?
  • when I’m in the middle of cooking dinner and my husband walks in the door and looks like he needs a hug? Is this God interrupting me?
  • when I finally sit down at the end of the day and one of my kids calls to me from the other room to “Come and see!”.  Is this God interrupting me?
  • when I have several errands to run and I only end up getting a couple of them done for a multitude of reasons.  Is this God interrupting me?
  • when I sit down to eat my lunch and the phone rings and it’s a friend that needs to talk.  Is this God interrupting me?
  • when I get a text from a friend that is clearly hurting and needs some TLC.  Is this God interrupting me?

The answer is a resounding Y-E-S to all of the above!

God has all sorts of ways to “interrupt us”.  It’s up to us whether we choose to listen to those interruptions or not.  My desire is that I will be open to His interruptions so that I can do His work, rather than being so intent on getting the things on my To Do list done, that I ignore Him and His people.

I need to be reminded of this everyday, so this is my Prayer for 2012.  I have it on my bedstand to be reminded to pray it before my feet hit the floor every morning.  Will you join me?


  1. I like the way you pray ....I have just used a different term...I pray, Dear God awaken my always see you at work in each situation, circumstance and among all people...enjoyed your blog

    1. So true, Rhonda! God is at work in every single situation. Thanks for that reminder. Even when we think we don't see Him, He is at work in the background making things happen for our good. He may be working on something today that we won't see the fruits of for many many years...because to Him, time is nothing! What a comfort that is!
      God Bless You!
